Strang Scott is pleased to welcome first-year associate Meghan Hayes to the firm. Ms. Hayes is a 2019 graduate of Boston University School of Law. While in law school, Ms. Hayes worked with the New York State Attorney General’s Office, the Erie County Bar Association Volunteer Lawyers’ Project, and a prominent tort litigation firm in the greater Boston area.
Ms. Hayes hails from the Buffalo area, and earned an undergraduate degree with honors, majoring in Political Science and minoring in Mathematics at the State University of New York at Geneseo. Before starting law school at BU, Ms. Hayes completed a year of service with AmeriCorps.
At BU Law, Ms. Hayes won the best brief award in the Stone Moot Court competition, competed in the honors level Albers Moot Court competition, and also competed in the National Appellate Advocacy competition. She served on the Public Interest Law Journal and participated in BU Law’s Public Interest Program.
Ms. Hayes plans to be active in the BU Law Young Alumni Council and the Boston Bar Association. She is a recreational runner, loves road trips and is a furniture refinishing enthusiast.