
Chris Strang Reelected Treasurer of the Boston Bar Foundation

By on October 18, 2017

The Boston Bar Foundation (BBF) Board of Trustees elected Strang Scott partner Chris Strang to the office of Treasurer for a second term.   Chris’ service to the BBF as Treasurer continues his long-term committment to the organization, where Chris has served in many capacities, including as a member of the Executive Committee, the Board of Trustees, the Society of Fellows, the Young Lawyers Advisory Council and many ad hoc, fundraising or event planning committees.

The BBF is the charitable arm of the Boston Bar Association. It raises money to provide grants for many community organizations that further the mission of the BBF. These include providing legal services and access to justice to those in need, as well as a variety of public service activities.  To learn more, please visit the BBF:

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